3 Marzo 2018 – Il tempo era uggioso, c’era la nebbia ed era freddo: le condizioni ideali per fare delle foto come piacciono a me.
L’estate è alle porte e prima di rimpiangere queste condizioni climatiche idilliache, ho messo su il 18-135 sulla Pentax e sono uscito a fare qualche scatto, percorrendo strade non ancora asflatate.
March 3rd, 2018 – The weather was gloomy, there was fog and it was cold: the ideal conditions for taking pictures as I like them. Summer is coming and before regretting these idyllic weather conditions, I put on 18-135 on Pentax and I went out to do some shots, along roads not yet flattened.
Photos taken with my Pentax and goal 18-135; developed on my Mac with Lightroom installed.
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