3 dicembre 2017 – Sempre cercando i laghi, che a noi tanto piacciono, siamo arrivati ad Alleghe, paesino del bellunese, ai piedi del Monte Civetta.
Il lago era ghiacciato, ma solo parzialmente, quindi non ci si poteva passeggiare sopra, con disappunto della mia metà. In compenso era molto freddo, circa -8°.
3 December 2017 – Always looking for the lakes, which we like so much, we arrived in Alleghe, the village of Belluno, at the foot of Mount Civetta. The lake was icy, but only partially, so you could not walk over it, with disappointment of my lady. On the other hand it was very cold, about 8 degrees centigrade.
Photos are taken with my K5, sometimes with the wide angle lens, sometimes not.
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